Healing leaders arebetter leaders.

Healing leaders are better leaders.

Your leadership style is a reflection of your inner world.

Imagine the empowerment that comes with knowing who you are and leading with true confidence. Many leaders find themselves overwhelmed and stuck in repetitive patterns, questioning if they can handle the responsibility. Often, it’s unprocessed trauma that keeps us from seeing our innate power as leaders. The payoff of healing is greater self-awareness, deeper connection, and healthier organizations.

How to Work Together

trauma-informed conscious leadership coaching

What’s the Book About?

Heal to Lead

Your Leadership Identity

leadership identity

Speaking Engagements


fast company


Latest articles

Relational Discernment and Depth of Connection

Relational Discernment and Depth of Connection

Instead of maintaining the status quo and accepting survival, how much more alive would we feel if we chose meaningful relationships over all else? This article first appeared in “THE NEW TLC: Trauma, Leadership, and Consciousness” on Substack.

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