True North:Unveiling Your Leadership Identity

True North:Unveiling Your Leadership Identity

Find out which type of leader you are today—
and where to go from here.
Find out which type of leader you are today—and where to go from here.
Take the Quiz »

Take this free Leadership Identity quiz, as seen in Chapter 7 of Heal to Lead: Revolutionizing Leadership through Trauma Healing by Kelly Campbell.

You will be shown 20 “I” statements. Read each one aloud or to yourself, and then feel into whether they are: most like you (5), least like you (1), or somewhere in between (4, 3, or 2).

Don’t overthink it; just read, feel, and respond. Be honest with yourself. If you’re having trouble with any of the statements, what body sensations do you notice when you read aloud? Or does a color come into your view if you close your eyes? If the sensation or color feels positive, your answer is likely true. If it feels negative, your response is likely false. Play with the prompts. Experiment with different ways of arriving at your answers. There is no right or wrong way; there is only your own unique way. The only thing that matters is that you’re honest with yourself about these statements.

Once you’ve ascribed a number to each statement, you’ll find out which type of leader you are today, and you can opt to receive the full results via email. Click the button above to get started!