Building Right Relationships in Business

Dec 22, 2023 | 0 comments

right relationships in business
[Photo credit: fauxels]

Business relationships are fundamentally human connections. Meaningful and sustainable partnerships are possible when we lead with, curiosity, self-awareness, and compassion. So how do we intentionally design right relationships with the people in our organization and with its stakeholders?

The Core Components of Trust

At its core, business is about people coming together to meet each other’s needs. Yet we all bring our personal histories, emotions, and biases to the table. Managing this so-called “baggage” requires empathy plus supportive action—the definition of compassion. 

Consider this: If you knew what was happening inside of someone at any given moment—or if you were privy to all the adversity they have endured—how differently would you treat them?

Compassion lays the groundwork for vulnerability and psychological safety, additional pillars of conscious relating. Being real and disclosing your own mistakes models openness for others. And framing interactions to minimize judgment helps people feel secure enough to be their authentic selves.

When you create space for honest, mindful engagement, you encourage reciprocation while gaining knowledge critical to co-creating optimal solutions.

The Reflection of Inner Work

Unresolved inner turmoil often manifests as reactive, problematic behaviors that strain external partnerships. People-pleasing leads to over-committing then inevitably disappointing others. Control stemming from insecurity disempowers teammates. Avoidance of hard conversations causes frustrations to fester.

Meanwhile, personal growth expands your leadership toolkit so you can respond consciously amidst conflict. By becoming more secure in your sense of self, you operate from a grounded place of confidence and fairness.

So, your business relationships end up mirroring the quality of your self-relationship. To elevate them, dedicate yourself to the lifelong process of self-discovery. Lean into opportunities for growth even when it feels uncomfortable. The more ownership you take over your inner landscape, the more skillfully you’ll navigate interpersonal challenges.

Reframing Problems as Opportunities

When facing external obstacles like financial constraints or periods of intense workload, consciously shift your mindset to see possibilities. Hardships force improvement in areas that otherwise may never get addressed. Use challenges to implement lasting systemic fixes, not just quick bandages.

While painful in the moment, properly leveraged trials can yield greater team alignment, sharper priorities, and increased readiness for future ups and downs. Eventually, conscious responses to difficulties become your new normal.

By relentlessly looking within and leading with compassion, conscious leaders transform business from transactional to relational, pursuing sustainable abundance for all.



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Kelly L. Campbell

Kelly (they/she) is a Trauma-Informed Leadership Coach to emerging and established leaders who know they are meant for more. She is a keynote speaker on the intersection of trauma, leadership, and consciousness—the new TLC—and founder of Consciousness Leaders, the world’s most diverse speaker’s agency. They are the author of HEAL to LEAD: Revolutionizing Leadership through Trauma Healing (Wiley).


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