The Benefits of Agency Leadership Coaching

Aug 25, 2020 | 0 comments

No agency experiences smooth sailing forever. At some point, you’ll hit a plateau or a challenge that could impact your growth potential, working relationships, stress level and/or sleep quality (being a leader often means feeling the impact of work in your daily personal life).

Not that rough seas are necessarily a bad thing. With smooth sailing, we’d learn nothing. Those waves should be looked at as growth opportunities, as long as we can recognize them as such and leverage their power going forward.

This is where Agency Leader Transformation Coaching comes in.

What Does Agency Leadership Coaching Entail?

Leadership coaching is fully remote and centered on a scheduled monthly call — an intensive, structured and recorded hour-long discussion where we dig into the unique challenges you’re currently facing and the action steps needed to move through them. I ask clients to send their most pertinent challenges a day or so in advance, so I can ensure an effective use of our time together.

Challenges might be directly related to your business, and/or they could be something you feel within yourself that may be impacting your ability to lead or to separate yourself from your job when you go home (even if that currently means walking out of your home office into another room).

Success at work isn’t success at all if your personal life is in shambles. Whether you’re working to navigate a transition, overcome fear of success/failure, or anything in between, coaching can help.

In addition to your standing monthly call, clients also reach out by text, email, or phone as often as needed for whatever is needed. That may be more often during a crisis and less often when things are going well. Still, we’ll reconnect at least once a month to assess the situation and determine action steps for the subsequent month.

It’s a custom-tailored approach, backed by the experience of starting, scaling and selling an agency myself, in addition to the last four years of helping others do the same.

The Benefits of Leadership Coaching

After coaching, 80 percent of people say their self-confidence increased, while more than 70 percent report improved communication, performance, and relationships.

Bringing in an outside perspective can be invaluable. Coaching offers myriad benefits that can trickle through your working environment and all aspects of your life:

See yourself and others more clearly. We often have blind spots, and coaching can shine a light. Insight by Tasha Eurich is a great book about self-awareness and how many managers are ineffective as leaders because they don’t understand how they’re perceived by their employees.

Delegate and set boundaries. It can be hard to let go, but you’ll have more time and less stress if you let your employees do the jobs they were hired to do! Trust your hiring skills and let them go to work. Setting boundaries between work and the rest of your life, along with what you’re willing to say “yes” or “no” to, will help you become more efficient and, again, less stressed.

Build productive relationships. Recognize your tendencies to assume certain things about the people you work with, and move past them to build long-lasting professional relationships. What’s good for working relationships is good for personal relationships, and vice versa. Anything you learn in coaching about communication, listening, responding respectfully and mindfully, managing disagreements, vulnerability, honesty, and more, can be applied to your personal life. As you practice these skills with new awareness, you’ll naturally use them with all your interactions.

Increase employee engagement. Understand how what you do impacts your employees’ loyalty to the agency and their desire to do good work. Learn how to motivate and inspire in a way that matters to the people you work with.

Sleep better. Ah, yes. Go home at night confident in your decisions, knowing you’ve done good work and that your agency is on track for continued success. Sleep well.

Feeling out of control at work will lead to feeling out of control in all areas of your life. Coaching is one way to take control, own your success, and create a map for the future.

Why Do Creative Leaders Work with Coaches?

The reasons are personal, but they do follow some trends. You might need help navigating a particularly tricky negotiation, or maybe you’d like to land a few new ideal clients. Maybe you’re having trouble processing what feels like a major loss—of a client account or employee—and even your confidence has taken a blow.

Whether you’re struggling with a decision, figuring out the steps required to take your agency forward, trying to improve your time management or communication skills, or building a stronger mindset, I can help. As you can imagine, I’ve experienced a lot of it myself while running a cause marketing agency over 14 years.

Because of the customized remote approach, agency leadership coaching is highly personalized to your unique needs and schedule. You get out of it what you put in, and I’ve worked with enough clients to know that it can change your life and the life of your business.

Curious? Good! That’s what a well-lived life is all about. I can answer your questions and help you understand how you might benefit from leadership coaching. And if it turns out that we’re not a fit for one another, I’ll provide a few options for other coaches whom I trust deeply. Let’s chat.

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Kelly L. Campbell

Kelly (they/she) is a Trauma-Informed Leadership Coach to emerging and established leaders who know they are meant for more. She is a keynote speaker on the intersection of trauma, leadership, and consciousness—the new TLC—and founder of Consciousness Leaders, the world’s most diverse speaker’s agency. They are the author of HEAL to LEAD: Revolutionizing Leadership through Trauma Healing (Wiley).


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